Sunday, January 26, 2020

Implementing a Client-to-client Communication System

Implementing a Client-to-client Communication System Abstract Due to people, behaviour over the social networking and peer-peer needs for the online chatting and sharing the information, file etc, Chat Applications had acquired great importance and there is abundant increase in the development of these applications. Therefore, in this Conference Chat Application Project we are going to develop a chat application to implement client-to-client communication using client server architecture for the group talk of the clients and additional feature of sending the personal messages using keyword and another keyword to leave the group talk. This is java based chat application, where we are going to implement server socket programming in which we have to create the server by creating the server socket in which client request for the connection for further communication. Server socket allows the maximum number of connections. To add new users/sockets in parallel when server is running, we have to create a thread class Server Thread and array lists for s toring the clients information. This Application is developed by using Net Beans (8.0.1). The output of this application enables the clients to join in a group talk, which is already running and allows client to send the personal messages simultaneously. 1. Introduction Conference Chat Application enables the users/clients to exchange the information among all clients or to the specified client in the group. This Application requires Transfer Control Protocol (TCP) to establish the connection between two sockets for the communication. There are two programs, Server side program and client side program. Server will receive the request from the client, establishes the connection, and send the messages sent by the client to all other clients except the sender itself. Before connection, clients user name is needed which immediately after connection will be send to the server using Print Writer, server will save this client, and a message thread will start for this client, which we implemented on the client side as myThread Class. Each client has its own message thread so this thread data will be read/received from server and displayed to client using buffered reader. 1.1Problem Statement Most of the chat Applications need email address to enter the group talk; username will be more flexible instead of email address. Chat Applications does not have personal messaging option in the group chat. Personal messaging in the group chat increases efficiency. 1.2 Research Question How to develop a chat application using Client Server Architecture? How can we send personal messages in a group chat simultaneously? How to add clients in the chat using user name instead of email address? 1.3 Objectives To develop a Chat Application and to implement Client-to-Client communication using Client-Server Architecture. To add Additional feature of sending personal messages in a group using a keyword and to leave the group with another keyword. 2. Literature Review/Previous Work On March 9th 1998 the first version of Yahoo messenger was supports various operating systems. It is chatting application said to be rapid messaging client. It used to support various operating sytems.Yahoo uses transfer control Protocol for the communication but its header is supported by its own application supports messaging, voice calls and video calling. Microsoft company created MSN which was formerly known as Windows Live Messenger is an instant messaging client supports various operating systems like Windows etc.., MSN basic functions are pc to phone calls, messaging and game application. Client and server programing is performed over Transfer Control Protocol (TCP) in MSN. In MSN client uses various port numbers to request the server for the establishment of the connection, the server uses the port 80 to reply to the client requests, and it only replies to the clients whose port numbers are less than 1024. For the transport layer protocol, it uses Hyper Text Transfer protocol. MSN also supports file sharing and uses Session Initiation protocol for messaging and Transfer Control Protocol for file sharing. 3. Approach/ Methodology The Methodology we use in this project is Joint Application Development (JAD). It is used for any development process initially used to design computer-based system. End user or client is involve in the development process of an application. Many companies accept Joint Application Development methodology. Data processing industry was developed by JAD. Joint Application Development minimizes errors and produces the faster output, as client is involved in the whole development process the user will acquire great satisfaction. It eliminates the delays, output can obtain in short span of time, and it is cost effective. Transfer control protocol is used by socket to provide communication between computers. On one end of the communication, client creates a socket and tries to connect the socket to server. The server represent server socket object, which denotes port number for the communication. The server appeal accept() method of server socket class. This method will wait until client connects to given port of the server. Transfer control protocol is two-way communication protocol. Therefore, data is exchanged between clients at the same time 4. Results/experiments/Discussion The anticipated results of the project are To create and execute client side program. To create and execute server side program. To execute the server thread for multiple connections. The output of this application enables the clients to join in a group talk, which is already running and allows client to send the personal messages simultaneously. 5. Significance of Study This Application is useful for the peer-to-peer communication Any company can make benefit of this conference chat application which enables group talk as well as personal chat. Faculty and students can make use of this application to discuss about the subjects. The customer service representatives to communicate with the customers can use this Application. 6. Future Works We have many social networking sites like WhatsApp messenger, Facebook messenger, Instagram etc.., which do not have a feature called personal texting in a group chatting. Therefore, this feature will be useful for many mobile chat applications. Conference Chat Application does not have automatic joining of the clients; clients are added manually to the group. This feature can be added to the further development of this application. 7. Conclusion We are going to develop chat application and implement client-to-client communication using Client Server architecture We are going to add Additional feature of sending personal messages in a group using a keyword and to leave the group with another keyword. 8. References 1. Dennis, Alan R., Hayes, Glenda S., Daniels, Robert M. Jr. Business process modeling with group support systems. Journal of Management Information Systems. 115-142. 1999 spring. OSMC Consulting Services. Services. last update time Unknown. Accessed Nov. 14, 1999. Abhijit A.Sawant, Dr. B. B. Meshram/International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications(IJERA) vol 3, Issue 1,January-February 2013,pp Network programming in java using socket Veletsianos, G. 2012. Higher education scholars participation and practices on Twitter. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp 336-349. Veletsianos, G. and Kimmons, R. 2016. Scholars in an increasingly open and digital world: How do education professors and students use Twitter? The Internet and Higher Education, Vol. 30, pp 1-10. Schiller, S. Z., 2016. CHAT for chat: Mediated learning in online chat virtual reference service. Retrieved July 15, 2016, from Web site: Open Source Chat Servers in Java

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Columbus and Western Civilization Analyzation Essay

The four critical duties as a writer described in Rebecca Howard’s â€Å"Writing Matters,† are your responsibility; to your readers, your topic, other writers, and to yourself. Howard Zinn achieved these task’s by first, defining his target view of history. Howard did not want to tell the story of Columbus, in the same tainted overview that is most known to the multitudes. He desired to gaze at it from all directions, and determine the accuracy behind Columbus’s story and how it should be perceived. Howard Zinn was a historian, who incidentally, had little knowledge of Columbus and his story. He plainly stated this from the beginning of his essay, explaining to the audience his credentials and intensions. Zinn collected his information from the diaries of the men who were truly there, to witness what took place. He made this known by quoting these witnesses, letting the reader know where he was obtaining his truths. He appears to see the duties of the historian and citizen as, â€Å"to widen the spectrum of ideas, to take in new books, new approaches, new information, and new views of history.† Once reading â€Å"Columbus and Western Civilization,† my view of Columbus hasn’t changed much because, honestly, growing up, I don’t remember much about Columbus and his journey. It is like I’m learning of his journey for the first time. From what I can remember, Columbus’ story was one of the first I had been educated in school. From kindergarten, all through middle school, I never understood his nature or his motives, nor did I care at the time. â€Å"In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.† This quotation is the only piece of info I can remember about Columbus from my previous education. As far as I am concerned, Columbus was that of a national icon. He was a Hero, master of the seas, without his bravery and determination, our universe as we know it would never have been imaginable. It is a safe bet that none of would be here today if not for him and his determination.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Organizational Analysis Paper of the American Heart Association Essay

I will be discussing in detail the creation and reasons of the American Heart Association, it’s importance, the functions and responsibilities of the American Heart Association, the stakeholders’ impact towards the American Heart Association and what are the affects as a stakeholder. Keywords: American Heart Association, functions, responsibilities, stakeholders Birth of the American Heart Association The American Heart Association has evolved into a nation-wide program since its birth in the 1915. According to American Heart Association (2010) a group of social workers and doctors in New York formed the Association for Prevention and Relief of Heart Disease. Due to the minimal information regarding heart disease people with heart disease are considered doom and most were in bed rest. Many doctors research and studied to determine if people with heart disease could return to a normal life and also return to work. Soon, associations started to form along the East Coast, mainly in Boston, Philadelphia, and Chicago in the 1920s. In 1924, six cardiologists together form the American Heart Association. Their main goal was to share research from cities across the United States and Canada and promote further study. According to American Heart Association (2010), the six cardiologists were Drs. Lewis A. Connor and Robert H. Hasley of New York, Paul White of Boston, Joseph Sailer of Philadelphia, Robert B. Preble of Chicago, and Hugh D. McCulloch of St. Louis. Drs. James B. Herrick of Chicago and William S. Thayer of Baltimore were also instrumental with the founding of the association. See more: how to write an analysis paper There were no education or awareness of heart disease and their main goal was to inform many physicians and scientists of the seriousness of heart disease. American Heart Association, (2010) The American Heart Association thought of ways to share the research and studies to the public and in 1946, according to American Heart Association (2010) they received a donation from the American Legion of $50,000 to conduct a research and to develop a community rheumatic fever program. The AHA reorganized and a couple of years later, non-medical volunteers assisted in business management, fundraising, communication, and public education. The AHA made their public appearance on a radio contest in 1948 called â€Å"The Walking Man,† which netted $1. 75 million. The AHA started setting up divisions across the country the following year and raised $2. 7 million. Growth of the American Heart Association The growth of the AHA has been rapid, in numbers, financial resources, and influence, both national, and international. According to American Heart Association (2010), in order to better serve their affiliate and local divisions nationwide changes of the National Center from New York to Dallas was a better idea. Between 1980 and 1986, they made internal changes and wanted to make a louder and clearer voice in reaching out to the public. They developed guidelines for the national health care system. While the federal government attempt to make changes and improvements AHA supported them at the same time continuing to strengthen internal management and programs. As they made changes AHA also concentrated on their mission statement and three areas of specialty important to AHA: cardiovascular science, cardiovascular education, and community programs. The AHA supported new research projects, move scientific staff into one building and sponsor creative professional education programs. Women and minorities were part of the association’s leadership ranks and resulted in more efforts and understanding of heart and stroke disease on women and minorities. In the 1990s, scientific finding began to move more quickly from laboratories and clinics to the physician offices and American households. They outsourced through journals and publishing online. Their strategy was improving affiliate research programs and creating new divisions dealing with stroke and emergency cardiac care. In November 1998, the AHA created a division called the American Stroke Association, which developed stroke education programs, stroke-related research and supported stroke victims and their caregivers American Heart Association (2010). According to American Heart Association (2010) in 2007, a budget of $700 million was granted in support of research, community programs, advocacy, public, and professional education. AHA used the funds for research on CPR training, pacemakers, microsurgery, bypass surgery, life-extending drugs and artificial heart valves. AHA focused on sending out a message emphasizing society to quit smoking, control blood pressure, dieting, be physically active, and maintain a healthy weight. The AHA is also a provider for first aid. Functions and Responsibilities of American Heart Association According to Stover, E (n. d. ), the AHA is a nonprofit organization and is a voluntary organization funded mostly by donors. The AHA depends on more than 3. 7 million people to carry out its goals and have raised over $1 billion since 1949. They create annual goals, taking on the responsibility of reducing heart disease and stroke. For example, in 2009, the goal of the AHA was to reduce smoking, lower high blood pressure and cholesterol. They reduced it by 25% by 2010. The responsibility of the AHA is to divide the organization’s responsibilities into seven areas whereas eight main offices operate nationwide. The seven areas include the office of chief executive, the advocacy division, corporate operations, field operations, healthcare market division, science operations and customer technology strategies, Stover, E (n. . ). The mission of the AHA is â€Å"Building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. † Stakeholders in the American Heart Association There are a number of stakeholders involved with the American Heart Association. They include volunteers, employees, partners, vendors, and customers. They play an important part in the function and day to day operations of the AHA. Without the volunteers and employees, the AHA would cease and the American public would not obtain the latest information on preventing heart disease and stroke disease. Without vendors and partners, the AHA would not have the funds and support to make breakthroughs in further preventing heart disease and stroke disease. Without customers, the AHA would not have information for their studies and research to find new medicines or technology to prevent these diseases. So everyone has an important part to the success and expansion of the AHA. The American Heart Association has been a major influence of the lives of the public both nationally and internationally. They have given the public a better nderstanding of what heart and stroke disease are and the seriousness of these diseases. They also have programs and educational material available on what he or she can do as a patient as well as a supporter to make a difference in his or her life and to prevent from getting these diseases. They have classes on CPR and first aid in the event that they encounter someone who is suffering from a heart disease or stroke. I think that without the AHA, there would be a high rate of people dying from these diseases and people would not know what to do if they come across this disease or prevent it.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Cultural Appropriation in Music - Race Relations

Cultural appropriation is nothing new. For years prominent whites have been accused of borrowing the fashions, music, and art forms of various cultural groups and popularizing them as their own. The music industry has been particularly hard hit by this practice. The 1991 film â€Å"The Five Heartbeats,† for example, which was based on the experiences of real African-American bands, depicts how music executives took the works of black musicians and repackaged them as the product of white artists. Due to cultural appropriation, Elvis Presley is widely regarded as being the â€Å"King of Rock and Roll,† despite the fact that his music was heavily influenced by black artists who never received credit for their contributions to the art form. In the early 1990s, white rapper Vanilla Ice topped the Billboard music charts when rappers as a whole remained on the fringes of popular culture. This piece explores how musicians with wide appeal today, such as Madonna, Gwen Stefani, M iley Cyrus, and Kreayshawn have been accused of cultural appropriation, borrowing heavily from black, Native American, and Asian traditions. Madonna The Italian-American superstar has been accused of borrowing from a host of cultures to sell her music, including gay culture, black culture, Indian culture, and Latin American cultures. Madonna may be the biggest culture vulture yet. In â€Å"Madonna: A Critical Analysis,† author JBNYC points out how the pop star wore Indian saris, bindis, and clothing during a 1998 photo shoot for Rolling Stone magazine and the following year participated in a geisha-inspired photo spread for Harper’s Bazaar magazine. Prior to this, Madonna borrowed from Latin American culture for her 1986 video â€Å"La Isla Bonita† and  from gay, black, and Latino culture for her 1990 video â€Å"Vogue.† â€Å"Although one can argue that by taking on the personas of otherwise underrepresented cultures and giving them exposure to the masses, she is doing to world cultures like India, Japan, and Latin America, what she has done for feminism and gay culture,† JBNYC writes. â€Å"However, she made political statements about feminism, female sexuality, and homosexuality about their ideological representations in the media. In the case of her Indian, Japanese, and Latino looks, she has made no political or cultural statements. Her use of these cultural artifacts is superficial and the consequence is great. She has further perpetuated the narrow and stereotypical representations of minorities in the media.† Gwen Stefani Singer Gwen Stefani faced criticism in 2005 and 2006 for appearing with a silent group of Asian-American women who accompanied her to promotional appearances and other events. Stefani called the women â€Å"Harajuku Girls† after the women she encountered in the Harajuku district of Tokyo. During an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Stefani called the â€Å"Harajuku Girls† an art project and said, â€Å"The truth is that I basically was saying how great that culture is.† Actress and comedienne Margaret Cho felt differently, calling the foursome a â€Å"minstrel show.† Salon writer Mihi Ahn agreed, criticizing Gwen Stefani for her cultural appropriation of Harajuku culture. Ahn wrote in 2005: â€Å"Stefani fawns over Harajuku style in her lyrics, but her appropriation of this subculture makes about as much sense as the Gap selling Anarchy T-shirts; she’s swallowed a subversive youth culture in Japan and barfed up another image of submissive giggling Asian women. While aping a style that’s supposed to be about individuality and personal expression, Stefani ends up being the only one who stands out.† In 2012, Stefani and her band No Doubt would face a backlash for their stereotypical cowboys and Indians video for their single â€Å"Looking Hot.† In the late 1990s, Stefani also routinely sported a bindi, a symbol Indian women wear, in her appearances with No Doubt. Kreayshawn When rapper Kreayshawn’s single â€Å"Gucci, Gucci† begin to earn buzz in 2011, a number of critics accused her of cultural appropriation. They argued Kreayshawn and her crew, known as the â€Å"White Girl Mob,† were acting out black stereotypes. Bene Viera, a writer for Clutch magazine, wrote off Kreayshawn as a rapper in 2011, in part, because of doubts about whether a Berkley Film School dropout could find her niche in hip-hop. In addition, Viera argued that Kreayshawn has mediocre skills as an MC. â€Å"It’s ironic how the white girl mimicking black culture has been viewed as quirky, cute, and interesting in the past,† Viera noted. â€Å"But sisters who fashionably rock bamboo earrings, gold nameplate necklaces, and blonde streaked weaves, will inevitably be considered ‘ghetto’ by society. It’s equally problematic that every female emcee post Queen Latifah and MC Lyte who has had massive mainstream success all had to sell sex. Kreayshawn, on the other hand, is able to avoid an over-sexualized image because of her whiteness.† Miley Cyrus Former child star Miley Cyrus is best known for her starring role in the Disney Channel program â€Å"Hannah Montana,† which also featured her country music star father Billy Ray Cyrus. As a young adult, the younger Cyrus has taken pains to shed her â€Å"child star† image. In June 2013, Miley Cyrus released a new single, â€Å"We Can’t Stop.† During that time Cyrus earned press about the song’s allusions to drug use and made headlines after debuting a markedly â€Å"urban† appearance and performing with rapper Juicy J on stage in Los Angeles. The public was shocked to see Miley Cyrus sport a grill with gold teeth and twerk (or booty pop) at the House of Blues with Juicy J. But Cyrus’ image overhaul was a decidedly concerted move, with her music producers commenting that she wanted her new songs to â€Å"feel black.† Before long, Cyrus faced a wave of criticism from African Americans concerned that she was using black culture to advance her career, which many before her had done. Dodai Stewart of asserts of Cyrus: â€Å"Miley seems to delight in †¦twerking, popping the $$, bending at the waist and shaking her rump in the air. Fun. But basically, she, as a rich white woman, is ‘playing’ at being a minority specifically from a lower socio-economic level. Along with the gold grill and some hand gestures, Miley straight-up appropriates the accouterments associated with certain black people on the fringes of society.†